A Garage Door Opener Provides Convenience Plus Durability And Safety Options

A Garage Door Opener Provides Convenience Plus Durability And Safety Options

In some ways, an automatic garage door opener can be likened to a cellphone, central air conditioning, or a television remote control. People may not appreciate the levels of comfort and convenience offered by such amenities until the day comes when they push the appropriate button and, lo and behold, nothing happens. It would almost seem like the device arbitrarily, and without warning, can just decide when it shall work no longer.

However, when a garage door opener is working properly, it may come as a surprise to learn that the device itself does not actually lift or open the door. The lifting force is provided by the spring that is attached to the door, most often a torsion spring, which is designed and used to counterbalance the weight of the door via a significant amount of tension. When the garage door opener is activated, either through a wall switch or by remote control, its primary role is for regulating the speed and distance that the door travels/moves to fully open or close. Furthermore, a garage door opener can keep a door securely closed in lieu of a lock-and-key method.

Garage door openers operate using one of three basic types of mechanisms or drives:


  • Perhaps the most common as it is the least expensive mechanism
  • It is also the loudest of the three options (rattling noise of the chain)


  • The quietest option (fewer moving parts) but also the most expensive
  • A good choice when the garage is either below or next to living space


  • Comparatively quiet – a good choice for heavy, double-width doors
  • Also requires the least maintenance (has the fewest moving parts)

Another aspect of automatic garage door openers that is often misunderstood pertains to their safety, or more specifically, to the safety of the occupants of the home and their personal property. Through significant advancements in technology, since they were first introduced, security features have improved in the following ways:

Rolling codes for remote control devices

  • A new code is generated each time the remote sends a signal to the receiver
  • There are literally millions of possible combination per garage door opener
  • Code hackers/thieves are therefore unlikely to access the home in this way

Electronic eyes (or photodetectors)

  • System employs a light beam transmitter plus a receiver at the base of the door
  • Obstruction of the light beam by a person or object prevents door from closing
  • This system should also trigger an auto-reverse mechanism for such instances

Wireless keypads

  • They can be activated using a personal identification number
  • Family members can open and close the door without a key or a remote

Like most other devices that have moving parts and/or electronic components, a garage door opener has a finite life expectancy. Factors that can/will influence the operating life of an automatic opener include:

  • Amount of daily use
  • Quality of the device
  • Regular device maintenance
  • Regular door maintenance
  • Proper door balance

In all likelihood, and with proper care and maintenance, a garage door opener should perform for roughly 10 to 15 years, based on an estimated 1,000 to 1,500 opening-and-closing cycles annually. Eventually, fundamental wear-and-tear can cause the device to break down and cease to function in a proper and expected manner.

Get Expert Garage Door Opener Repairs And Replacements From Our Technicians

If your garage door opener is making unusual or non-customary sounds, regardless of its age, this may be a sign that the device is struggling or straining and/or there may be an issue with the door itself (perhaps balance or spring tension). In such cases, it will be important to stop using it immediately and place a service call to a professional garage door opener repair service such as Markham Garage Doors.

Markham Garage Doors services all makes and models of garage door openers and remote control systems, and has the knowledge and experience to recommend whether repairs or a complete replacement would be the better option for your specific situation. If a replacement is needed, we offer the full line of LiftMaster garage door openers, which in turn provide/include the following:

  • A variety of drive systems
  • Multiple horsepower levels
  • Proven performance and durability
  • The latest safety and security features
  • Innovative accessories

If your garage door opener is not functioning properly, call the experts at Markham Garage Doors today at (905) 472-9178 or (416) 570-3667 to determine if there is an issue with your garage door or whether a new opener will need to be installed.

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