Just How Valuable is Your Insulated Garage Door?

Just How Valuable is Your Insulated Garage Door?

First, just to be clear, when we ask ‘how valuable is your insulated garage door?’, we’re talking about straight-forward, money-in-your-pocket valuable. It’s not something that most homeowners consider about their garage doors – that it actually saves money or is a way for them to get more money.

We realize that might sound a bit far-fetched. We don’t necessarily mean you can make money by projecting movies onto it on a Friday night and charging admission (but think about the popcorn and soft drink revenue too!). To give you an idea of where we’re going with this, just think of some of the basic ways your garage door protects your hard-earned cash.

It Protects Your Belongings

Without a secure door on your garage, everything in it would be there for the taking. But with a good solid door, you now have a space to keep many of the things you would otherwise keep in your home, so you have more living space.

It Helps Your Car Last Longer

Without an insulated garage door, your car would be under more stress to start-up in colder winter temperatures, potentially increasing maintenance costs and decreasing its lifespan.

Yes, these ‘money-saving’ traits of a garage door might be a bit of a stretch, but we mention them just to start you thinking about all the other ways your garage door is valuable, in an actual bottom-line way – especially if it’s insulated.

Here are just a few ways you can actually have more cash in your pocket with an insulated garage door.

1. Lower Energy Costs

If your garage door is connected to your house, especially if it’s underneath a living space, it can have a significant effect on the costs of warming and cooling your home. A couple of years ago, a homeowner decided to see if the claims made by the salesperson were true about how much warmer his garage would be if he installed an insulated garage door.

After installing the door, and armed only with a basic thermometer, pencil, and paper, the homeowner began recording temperatures inside and outside his garage. During a cold snap where the temperatures outside dropped below freezing, the temperatures inside the garage remained well above freezing at an average of 7 degrees Celsius.

2. Lower Furnace & Air Conditioner Costs

You change the air filter on your furnace regularly, right? If your heating and cooling equipment have to do more work, that means your filter needs to be changed more often.

But saving the cost of some filters is just the start of the hard savings you get from an insulated garage door. Furnaces and air conditioners aren’t cheap. Not to mention the fact that they will always break down at the worst possible time. That means, instead of regular repair costs, you’ll likely face ‘emergency’ repair costs. The less work the equipment does, the longer it will last and the fewer repairs it will need.

3. Higher Home Value

You might think, with the hot real estate markets here in Markham and across the GTA, you don’t need to worry too much about increasing the ‘curb appeal’ of your home. But that sort of thinking could mean you leave thousands of dollars on the table. Think about this instead. If you add just one percent of value to a $500,000 home, that’s $5,000. But, if that home is now worth a million dollars, which is below the average price of a detached home in Markham, that same 1% is now worth double, or $10,000.

Beyond being able to show lower energy and repair costs to prospective buyers, consider that insulated doors generally look better, last longer, make the garage quieter, keep out more pollution, and open up the possibility of creating more usable space in the garage (like a workshop or home gym). So now how sweet does your home look to that buyer?

If you’re ready to install an insulated garage door, and ‘pocket’ all the benefits, give us a call at 905-472-9178, we’ll show you what’s possible.

     Commercial Residential

    Homeowners Aren’t the Only Ones Interested in Garage Doors

    When most people hear the word ‘garage’, they immediately think of the place in their homes where they park their cars (or at least where they are supposed to park their cars!).

    But that doesn’t mean homeowners are the only people who have an interest in garage doors. When you think about it, you see garage doors (or at least variations of them) in lots of different places.

    Who Else has an Interest in Garage Doors?

    The simple fact is that a garage door is a very useful addition to homes or other buildings where a large room or space must be opened in the building so that large vehicles, objects or products can be moved in or out of the space. That said, here are just a few other people and places that use garage doors.

    Warehouses & Factories

    The doors you see on the loading docks of warehouses and factories are like the ‘big brother’ to your home’s garage door. Usually larger and getting lots more use, loading dock doors help protect the interior of the building while letting space be quickly opened up to move supplies in and finished product out.

    Automobile Dealerships & Repair Shops

    Ever wonder how they get all those cars onto the dealership floor? If you look closely, you’ll spot a cleverly disguised garage door. The versatility of door designs, which can include glass panels, help them fit seamlessly into the overall design of a car dealership showroom.

    Storage Facilities

    We only mention this one because of the sheer number of garage doors that a self-storage facility can have – one on every unit.

    Architects & Building Designers

    If you think you’re concerned about the look of your garage door, imagine the importance for the architect who designs the building. On a home, garage doors make up more than one-third of the overall look of the house. How important is that for a finished architectural design?

    From firehouses to boat houses, garage doors do their job in more places than most of us realize. If your business is in need of new garage doors to meet your needs, contact Markham Garage Doors today! From steel doors to security shutters, we have it all! Fill out our online form for more information from our team.

       Commercial Residential

      You Need a New Garage Door Opener When…

      Garage door openers can last a very long time. If you don’t use your door too often, or if you simply ‘got a good one’, your door opener can work efficiently for decades.

      But that longevity can also hide the signs that it’s time for a new opener. It’s simply human nature to ‘adjust’ to the things around us. As things gradually change, we adjust to the changes and don’t really notice they’ve happened.

      Kinda like watching your children grow up.

      But, while not realizing that your ‘little boy’ is now shaving is just one of those foibles of life, not realizing that you need a new garage door opener can be actually become a safety hazard and even be a threat to your home security.

      To underline this, consider that your door is the largest and heaviest moving object in your house, and its opener controls its actions. If there is any question about whether you need to replace the opener, do you really want to risk the consequences?

      In any case, if your garage door opener has one or more of the following characteristics, it’s definitely time to replace it.

      1. It’s Over 20 Years Old

      The garage door opener safety features that so many of us take for granted today were not always in place. And many of the openers made before the new safety features were required by law are still in operation. If yours is one of them, it should be replaced regardless of how well it works.

      Why? Your family’s safety is at stake. Before the early 1990s, door openers were not required to have any automatic reversing safety features. That means, if the door began closing and something or someone got in its way, the door would continue to close. In the U.S., the problem became so bad that the government enacted new rules for residential garage door openers in 1993 and Canada soon followed suit.

      2. You Don’t Notice it’s so Noisy

      This is one of those that we just get used to. But your neighbors don’t. The belt and chain drives on older models were larger and less attention was paid to making them operate quietly. As time goes on, they can get louder. If you have an older opener, take a moment to give it a listen. Is it louder than anything else in your neighborhood? If yes, then it’s time to do your neighbors a favor.

      3. The Opener Uses Fixed Security Codes

      The ease at which burglars can steal the fixed codes of older garage door openers that us RF frequency identifiers made them a great way to get into your house with ease. Newer remote and keyless entry devices have rolling codes that are different every time you use the door. If someone happens to find out the code, that code won’t be the same if they try to break into the garage.

      4. It Has Worn-Out Numbers on the Exterior Keypad

      If you think that, of all the millions of possible number combinations on your keypad, a burglar could never guess what yours is, think again. At least if you’ve had the same code for a long time. The oils on your hands can wear away on the numbers you press repeatedly, which are, of course, the numbers in your ‘secret’ code. In addition, the numbers you don’t hit are obvious because you never touch them and wipe off the dust and dirt that can cling to them over time.

      5. No Battery Back-Up

      If you’ve ever needed to get your car out of the garage when the power’s out, you know how frustrating it can be. Most older garage door openers have a by-pass handle that lets you open the door manually. But, as time goes on, there’s more of a chance that the handle gets stuck or simply doesn’t work. Many newer openers have battery backups that let you open the door, as usual, power outage or not.

      When you consider the relatively low cost versus the increased safety and convenience, an investment in a new garage door opener is a smart one.

         Commercial Residential

        How to Open Your Garage Door When the Power’s Out

        People who live in Markham are very lucky. We rarely have to worry about power outages. And if the power does go out, it’s usually back on in a matter of minutes.

        But, if there is a downside, if the power does go out for more than a few minutes, it often means it will be out for an extended amount of time. And occasionally, like during the ice storm we suffered at the end of 2013, it can be out for days.

        Despite our absolute dependence on electricity, most of us made it through the ice storm relatively unscathed, even though some in the GTA were without power for more than three days.

        That doesn’t mean there weren’t trials and tribulations. From spoiled food to frozen water pipes, just about everyone has a story of one or more issues they suffered.

        One problem that homeowners with garage door openers might not have been prepared for during the ice storm is that, without power, they had no way to get their cars out of their garages because they couldn’t open the doors. And if their cars were not already in the garage, they had to be left outside where they might have been damaged by ice or falling limbs and trees.

        Actually, if we suffered more extended power outages, more of those homeowners would probably have known that there is a way to open and close garage doors when the power is out, and it’s not difficult to learn it.

        Opening Garage Doors during Power Outages

        The reason that, unless you follow the steps below, you can’t open your garage door unless you have power is that it is directly connected to the opener. In other words, you can’t open it manually because the connection to the opener stops you.

        Opening the door in the absence of power begins with getting around that connection. Before you begin to work on opening or closing your garage door manually, make sure it is clear of people, pets or objects that might be in the way of its travel. Especially when trying to close an open door, it could close quickly and unexpectedly.

        1. Wait Until You Must Go To Manual Mode

        With the vast majority of outages being relatively short, you shouldn’t rush out to disengage your garage door opener too soon. If you have no pressing reason to do so, it’s best to leave the opener connected to avoid any mishaps or extra work when the power comes on just as you finish disconnecting the opener.

        2. Look for the Bypass Handle

        Your opener has a function to disengage the opener so you can open the door manually. Look along the rail that runs from the opener to the door. There will be a short length of rope hanging down with a handle on the end of it. That’s the garage door opener bypass release handle.

        3. Please Use Caution Before You Use the Handle

        If you’re trying to close an open door, pulling on the bypass handle could cause it to crash down. If possible, it’s best to leave an open door in that position during a power outage to avoid damage to the door and/or its accessories.

        4. If You’re Opening a Closed Door

        Pull on the handle. It will disengage the door from the opener and allow the door to be opened and closed manually.

        5. Pull the Rope Back Close to the Opener

        To keep the rope out of the way while you operate it manually, pull it back as close to the opener as possible.

        6. Open and Close the Door Manually

        You remember the old days, don’t you? It’s not that difficult and it can give you a bit of an upper body work out.

        7. After the Power Comes Back On

        You’ll need to re-engage the door and the opener. With the door closed, pull down on the bypass handle again. Afterward, start manually lifting the door until you feel and hear it snap back into place. You can also start the door opener so that the spring attachment automatically reconnects.

        Now that you know how to open your garage door during a power outage, we hope you never need to do so. If you find that your garage door is still having problems once these issues have been resolved, contact Markham Garage Doors for professional service and repair.

           Commercial Residential

          Treat Garage Door Maintenance with the Same Emphasis as Car, Appliance Care

          The responsibilities of home ownership should include, among many other tasks, regular servicing of the furnace and air conditioner.  The smooth and effective operation of these major domestic appliances is vital to home comfort and the personal safety of all family members; in fact, many homeowners participate in maintenance plans that incorporate an annual cleaning and preventative check-up along with emergency service visits in the event of a mechanical failure or a potential health hazard.

          On an even more frequent basis, these same homeowners will book routine maintenance check-ups for their vehicles; oil/filter changes, parts lubrication, and tire rotations are all part of the auto manufacturers’ recommended preventative maintenance programs that are intended to keep performance and safety at optimal levels and extend the life of the vehicle.  Further yet, there are those who purchase extended warranties on large-ticket items such as stoves, refrigerators, and television sets for peace-of-mind replacement or repair protection.

          These examples stand to reason; homes, appliances, and cars are major investments that should receive due consideration and attention.  And what price could one possibly place on their personal safety or that of a family member or an innocent bystander?

          Why is it then, that only a small segment of homeowners have a similar mindset when it comes to garage door maintenance?  A garage door is also a large investment in a home both financially and physically (it can represent up to 25-30% of the frontage) and it can be called upon to perform several times a day, every day, just like a car or an appliance.  Yet its regular maintenance is frequently overlooked, if not neglected altogether; that is, of course, until something goes wrong – which unfortunately is too often too late.

          There are several fundamental yet critically important reasons for homeowners to uphold routine and regular garage door maintenance practices:

          • Maximizing Lifecycle
          • Optimizing Performance
          • Avoiding Unnecessary Costs
          • Matters of Safety and Security

          The basic steps involved in regular garage door maintenance consist of the following:

          • Listening for unusual/peculiar sounds while the door is in motion/operation
          • Testing the spring tension – does the door hold steady when partially open?
          • Lubricating all moving parts – on the door as well as the garage door opener
          • Inspecting all hardware and tightening any screws/nuts and bolts as required
          • Checking the rollers for signs of wear, chips, cracks and replacing as needed
          • Examining tracks/rails for dents/damage and repairing or replacing right away
          • Cleaning (brushing) the cables and observing for any frayed or broken strands
          • Inspecting and replacing worn weather stripping (to improve energy efficiency)
          • Testing door opener auto-reverse safety mechanisms (photocell and mechanical)

          Routine garage door maintenance, done annually or perhaps more often, will be a wise investment of time for both practical and personal reasons.  For homeowners who might be uncertain about how to properly complete their own garage door maintenance or, in the vernacular of auto servicing, regular tune-ups, may opt to call upon the insight and expertise of professional garage door service providers such as the team from Markham Garage Doors.

          When a Garage Door Replacement is the Best Resolution to Maintenance Issues

          In most cases, a garage door tune-up may be sufficient to restore optimal performance for a garage door and extend its lifecycle.  There will be times, however, when a routine garage door inspection reveals more serious issues that might best be rectified by a full garage door replacement.

          In such cases, homeowners in the market for a new garage door can benefit from a visit to the 1,000+ square foot showroom of Markham Garage Doors, which is located at 176 Bullock Drive, Unit 11, in Markham.   Here, homeowners can compare and contrast full-scale garage doors of different styles, materials, and price ranges; in addition, they can gain valuable insight and guidance from onsite garage door specialists to help in making an informed decision on the best solution for their needs and budget.

          Markham Garage Doors distributes and installs new and replacement garage doors from all leading North American manufacturers, including:

          • Amarr
          • H.I.
          • Clopay
          • Equal
          • Haas Doors
          • Richards-Wilcox
          • Steel-Craft
          • Wayne Dalton

          See https://markhamgaragedoors.com/services/ for more information on the garage door maintenance and replacement services provided by the Markham Garage Doors team.

          For all your garage door maintenance or installation needs, including annual garage door tune-ups or a garage door replacement, call Markham Garage Doors today at either (905) 472-9178 or (416) 570-3667 to request a service appointment, or stop by our showroom at 176 Bullock Drive, Unit 11, in Markham.

             Commercial Residential

            Comparing the Various Types of Garage Door Materials


            Types of Garage Door Materials

            For the most part, as garages became more common features for residential properties, the doors for these structures were constructed from wood.  Wood was the most readily available material and, since many garages were detached from the home and/or tucked fully or partly behind it, there was more emphasis on function than style or curb appeal.

            However, as attached garages grew in popularity, and as more varieties of material were introduced in the manufacturing of garage doors, homeowners became more conscious of the balance between aesthetics and purpose. Today, many garage doors represent as much as 25-30% of the façade of a home, and technological developments have allowed homeowners to choose from a wide range of garage door materials that includes:

            • Steel
            • Wood
            • Vinyl
            • Aluminum
            • Fiberglass
            • Wood Composite

            All of these materials offer a range of advantages, benefits, or solutions that can address specific homeowner needs and/or preferences; and, as in many instances where multiple options are available, one should be aware of possible drawbacks or disadvantages also.

            To that end, the following summary, presented in alphabetical order, compares the pros and cons for each type of material:

            Aluminum Garage Doors

            • Lighter material
            • Rather inexpensive
            • Resistant to rust/corrosion
            • Can be made to look like painted wood
            • Quite susceptible to dents and other damage

            Fiberglass Garage Doors

            • Light yet durable – resists dents, rust, warping
            • Can withstand penetration by moisture and insects
            • Can be manufactured to give the appearance of wood
            • A relatively poor insulating material
            • Appearance may fade from exposure to weather
            • Integrity can deteriorate/decline in very cold climates

            Steel Garage Doors

            • Very durable
            • Reasonably-priced
            • Low maintenance required
            • Can be painted or made to look like the texture of wood
            • Not a strong insulating material
            • It can dent easily and may rust if not well-maintained

            Vinyl Garage Doors

            • Very affordable and easy to maintain
            • Original color cannot be changed if so desired
            • Not as aesthetically-appealing as other materials

            Wooden Garage Doors

            • Available in a wide range of prices
            • Reasonably good insulating properties
            • Aesthetically-pleasing/high curb appeal
            • Requires regular maintenance and refinishing
            • Vulnerable to warping, splitting, rot/decay, insect infestation

            Wood Composite Garage Doors

            • Capacity to be stained or painted
            • Offers parallel strength to steel doors
            • Better resistance to decay, cracks, insects than actual wood
            • Of lesser quality than traditional/natural wooden garage doors
            • Not as durable as other materials (steel, aluminum, fiberglass)

            There are clearly several alternatives when selecting a garage door; if there was an ideal choice, there would essentially be no choice at all i.e., every garage door would be made exactly the same.  But having options is actually a positive since homeowners will have varying needs and preferences based on such dynamics as door size and weight, color schemes, energy efficiencies, the main purpose of their garage, and, of course, budget.

            A Comprehensive Range of Garage Doors Made from a Wide Variety of Materials

            As inferred above, homeowners will need to weigh many variables when purchasing new or replacement garage doors.  This buying process can be particularly challenging and gets compounded further when the element/investment of time is added to the mix.

            To aid homeowners in streamlining the buying process, Markham Garage Doors displays a wide range of full-scale garage doors in their 1,000+ square foot showroom located at 176 Bullock Drive, Unit 11, in Markham.  Markham Garage Doors distributes and installs residential garage doors, constructed across the spectrum of available materials, by such manufacturers as:

            • Amarr
            • Clopay
            • Haas Doors
            • Steel-Craft
            • C.H.I.
            • Equal
            • Richards-Wilcox
            • Wayne Dalton

            For further information on the scope of residential garage doors available from Markham Garage Doors, please go to our Products page.

            Need a new garage door?  Call Markham Garage Doors today at 905-472-9178 or 416-570-3667 or visit our showroom to find the right door that best suits your needs.

               Commercial Residential

              Things to Do and Avoid During Garage Door Safety Month in June

              Garage Door Safety Can Be Heightened with Greater Awareness and Attentiveness

              There are no shortages of warnings on packages and product labels with respect to risks of personal injury when the item is used incorrectly or without proper precautions.  While this is often mandated by law for the manufacturer/supplier, it is the responsibility of the user or the consumer to read and heed these recommendations and warnings.

              For the most part, the purchasers or users of these goods do adhere to their responsibilities, and particularly when there is some risk/danger to the well-being of their children and pets.  This is not to say that adults are carefree, or careless, in such circumstances but rather that there is a heightened awareness on their part when safety concerns apply to their children.

              There is at least one circumstance, however, where precautions and attention to safety may be lacking, even though it may be unintentional; this relates to injuries that can be directly attributed to the garage door –injuries to adults, children, and pets that can be prevented with a little education and some added attention when in proximity to the garage door itself.

              The month of June has been designated as Garage Door Safety Month; the intent, of course, is to bring attention to the types of injuries that can be attributed to garage doors and their parts and to educate homeowners and their families on increased safety and methods of prevention.  Here are some of the more common ways in which people can and do sustain injuries from a garage door, in no particular order:

              • Children opening/closing the door as part of a game
              • Racing to enter the garage before the door fully closes
              • Fingers caught in the tracks, springs, or between the rollers
              • Hand, wrist, or finger damage from attempts to repair a spring
              • Gashes that result from clean-up/repair of broken window inserts
              • Unexpected door movements from broken/malfunctioning sensors
              • Cuts/possible infections caused by metal tracking, other sharp edges

              There are likely other exotic or curious-and-unusual types of injuries that will undoubtedly occur as a result of individual inattentiveness or a lack of respect, for want of another word, for the force, weight, hardware, and mechanisms associated with garage doors; however, there should be sufficient evidence presented here to raise garage door safety to a greater level of consciousness.  And if this can begin in the month of June, in alignment with Garage Door Safety Month, it can and subsequently should be applied on a year-round basis also.

              Garage Door Inspections Are an Integral Part of Practicing Garage Door Safety

              Another important aspect to garage door safety relates to ongoing maintenance and repair. When garage doors are kept in good and proper working order, it can help to minimize or reduce the risk of injury to homeowners and their family members.

              Garage doors are subjected to repeated use on a regular basis and they are also exposed to seasonal weather extremes.  Both of these factors can have a negative impact on overall door performance as well as its general condition; therefore, it would be prudent to conduct a thorough garage door inspection on an annual, if not semi-annual basis, to ensure that all aspects of the door are in an optimal working state.

              Such inspections can be performed by technicians from an experienced and reliable garage door services provider like Markham Garage Doors.  These knowledgeable technicians will conduct a systematic/comprehensive garage door inspection to assess the ongoing viability of all components, including:

              • Torsion springs
              • Cables and pulleys
              • Rollers and tracking
              • Door panels/hardware
              • Door opener and sensors
              • Insulation/weather stripping

              Subsequently, should the garage door inspection identify any maintenance or repair needs, the Markham Garage Doors technicians have the skills necessary to quickly and effectively remedy the issues; this will return the garage door to a more optimal state in relation to:

              • Performance
              • Safety/Security
              • Longevity/Lifespan

              Please visit our Website for additional information on the garage door inspection and repair services available from the professionals at Markham Garage Doors.

              June is Garage Door Safety Month, with the intention of bringing heightened awareness and attention to the potential risks for garage door-related injuries.  One important step in this process will be to ensure that your garage door is in prime physical condition and in proper working order.  Call the specialists at Markham Garage Doors today at (905) 472-9178 or (416) 570-3667 to book a garage door inspection and determine whether any repairs or maintenance actions are needed to help protect you and your family from possible injury.

                 Commercial Residential

                Garage Door Repairs That You Should Not Attempt Yourself

                Professional Garage Door Repair Service May Outweigh Any DIY Cost Savings

                In many cases, a do-it-yourself approach to maintenance and repairs can be an effective cost-saving measure for homeowners.  Those who are motivated, and who have the time to invest, can attend to numerous aspects of home and property maintenance such as exterior painting, lawn care, landscaping, and replacing bathroom fixtures.

                The same attitude could be applied to do-it-yourself garage door repair – but only to a point.  Homeowners may be capable and comfortable to look after some types of garage door maintenance like:

                • Tightening hardware
                • Lubricating moving parts
                • Replacing weather stripping
                • Insulating an aluminum door

                However, for reasons of both personal safety and a lack of expertise/training in proper methodology, there are several other residential garage door repairs that are best left to skilled and experienced professionals such as the service technicians at Markham Garage Doors.  The most prevailing situations that fall into this do-not-attempt-yourself category consist of the following:

                • Broken springs – replacement requires proper training and tools
                • Snapped cables – must be installed with a high degree of tension
                • Twisted tracking – entire door may need to be removed/reinstalled
                • Cracked/bent rollers – repair/replacement needs patience, precision
                • Broken/damaged panel – some/all of the door may need dismantling

                Should any such circumstances occur, they would certainly result in some inconvenience for the homeowner and their family; it would, therefore, be understood that repairs be made as soon as possible to restore the garage door to its regular and expected level of use.  It would also be reasonable to consider the economics of self-repair versus hiring a professional garage door service provider.

                However, economics may not be the principal/overriding factor when homeowners take into consideration the following potential downsides to do-it-yourself garage door repair:

                • Risk of injury
                • Time investment
                • Lack of tools or equipment
                • A possibility of further door damage
                • Prospects of an unwanted added expense

                When all of the above aspects are examined collectively,it would seem clear that certain do-it-yourself garage door repairs may simply be too risky for the untrained homeowner. It is therefore recommended that some garage door service needs, including spring and cable repairs, be entrusted to an experienced provider such as Markham Garage Doors.

                Prompt and Efficient Award-Winning Residential Garage Door Repair Service

                When homeowners are inconvenienced by garage door-related issues like broken cables or springs, this frustration can be compounded by the unexpectedness of the situation as well as the unanticipated repair costs.  Fortunately, any such angst can be alleviated by contracting the award-winning garage door service professionals from Markham Garage Doors.

                Markham Garage Doors has been recognized by their customers for a level of service that is fast, affordable, and, most importantly, highly satisfactory; requests for service are answered promptly, and the technicians adhere to the scheduled time for the calls,  all in an effort to restore the optimal operation of the door and limit the inconvenience to the family.

                For additional information on the residential garage door repair services provided by the specialists from Markham Garage Doors, including spring and cable repair, please visit our Garage Door Installation page.

                Do-it-yourself garage door repair can pose risks to a homeowner and inadvertently lead to added and unwanted damage and expense.  If your garage door will not open/close properly due to broken or damaged parts, call the professionals from Markham Garage Doors today at (905) 472-9178 or (416) 570-3667 for award-winning repair service.

                   Commercial Residential

                  What Causes A Garage Door Spring To Break

                  Despite possible perceptions to the contrary, the raising and lowering of a garage door are not powered by manual means or by a mechanical device like an automatic door opener.  In their own right, garage doors are rather heavy, especially the wooden and/or densely-insulated varieties, and as such, their movement requires a significant amount of energy from another source – a garage door torsion spring.

                  The torsion spring basically counterbalances the weight of the garage door throughout its opening and closing cycles.  Hence, garage door springs are designed to operate under a high degree of tension, in turn controlling/moderating the rate at which the door moves and thereby preventing unwelcome damage to the door and/or its component parts; also inherent in this process is the element of safety for family members who are looking to enter or exit the garage using the overhead door.

                  Garage door torsion springs are generally quite durable; their average life cycle is seven to 10 years, which is often estimated to be approximately 10,000 open-and-close cycles. However, like most other types of equipment/machinery called on to perform repetitive tasks, these springs can fail and/or break.  There are several factors that can cause this to occur, including:

                  • Age
                  • Wear-and-tear
                  • Rust or corrosion
                  • Incorrect installation
                  • Inadequate maintenance
                  • Door weight or alignment shifts
                  • Impact damage to the garage door
                  • Sustained exposure to cold temperatures
                  • Weight added to the door after its installation

                  When a garage door torsion spring fails or breaks, it would be rather important to have a new spring installed as soon as possible.  It is just far too inconvenient to have a garage door that is non-functional, independent of the main purpose of the garage or how often it is actually used; this would be in addition to preventing more damage to the door plus repair costs, as well as safety concerns for exiting the home in case of fire or emergency.

                  To ensure that a new torsion spring will function appropriately and safely in conjunction with the garage door in question and its specific weight, it is highly recommended that the installation is contracted to trained professionals, like the technicians from Markham Garage Doors.

                  Professional Installation of Garage Door Torsion Springs Offers Several Benefits

                  For homeowners who lack the experience or training to work with mechanisms or springs that must be installed under high tension,there can be major implications/consequences with respect to their personal safety and with the proper operation of that spring.

                  Said another way, contracting a professional service like Markham Garage Doors for the installation of a garage door torsion spring provides homeowners with several benefits, such as:

                  • Selecting the correct size spring for the weight of the door
                  • Setting the correct amount of tension for the weight of the door
                  • Assessing and adjusting the garage door’s alignment post-installation
                  • Assessing and adjusting hardware (cables, tracks, pulleys) if required
                  • Equipped with workplace insurance, general liability insurance coverage

                  Please visit our Spring Repair page for additional information about the garage door spring installation services provided by the team from Markham Garage Doors.

                  If you require the replacement of a broken or failed garage door torsion spring, call the skilled installation specialists from Markham Garage Doors as soon as possible at either 905-472-9178 or 416-570-3667 to have the work done quickly, correctly, and safely.

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                    Ensure That Your Garage Door is in Shape for Spring

                    Inspect Your Garage Door This Spring for Signs of Operational or Repair Issues

                    The return of spring weather also means the return of various outdoor activities for many homeowners and families.  As temperatures continue to climb, neighborhoods will be filled with the sights and sounds of grass cutting, skateboarding, and bike riding, fence and deck building, and washing/waxing the car.

                    The reappearance of more amenable outdoor conditions and related home maintenance and leisure activities will also have an impact on the garage door; specifically, on the number of times, it is opened and closed on any given day.  Lawnmowers, bicycles, garden tools, and perhaps the car itself will make many more forays from the garage in the spring versus the winter, and since these items must all go back into the garage at some point, the open-and-close frequency of the door will likely increase dramatically from its daily wintertime rate.

                    Based on this anticipated if not predictable increase in garage door usage, homeowners may want to ensure that the door is in shape for the spring, in a manner of speaking.  Each year, thousands of garage-door related injuries occur across North America, with many attributed to faulty operation and/or a lack of sufficient maintenance; therefore with the safety of their family and property in mind, homeowners may wish to enlist the specialists from Markham Garage Doors to inspect the condition and operation of their garage door.

                    Cold winter temperatures and harsh weather conditions can take a toll on a garage door and its hardware, particularly the garage door spring, and this could lead to operational and/or safety concerns when family members again begin to use the door with greater regularity in the spring.  As part of a garage door inspection, trained technicians from Markham Garage Doors will assess the following aspects of the door:

                    • Movement along the tracking
                    • The tension of the spring and cables
                    • Condition/security of all hardware
                    • Door weight balance and distribution
                    • Performance of the automatic door opener
                    • The functionality of photocells and safety features
                    • The integrity of the door/panels and weather stripping

                    Then, should the garage door inspection identify any potential or existing operational issues, the Markham Garage Doors technicians can recommend the best course of action or options to rectify the situations; in turn, they can quickly and expertly complete any maintenance or repairs with the approval of the homeowner.

                    A Broken Garage Door Spring Can Result in Secondary Issues and Repair Needs

                    In some cases, a garage door inspection and a minor tune-up might be all that is required to get the door in shape for spring; at other times, the damage, and its related repairs can be more extensive.  In any event, whenever their garage door needs maintenance or repair, homeowners in Toronto and the GTA can rely on the award-winning services provided by Markham Garage Doors.

                    As mentioned previously, one of the more common consequences of a cold and harsh winter is a damaged garage door spring; this can break or fail when open-and-close cycles rise in frequency during the spring.  Since a garage door spring must be installed and subsequently operate under a significant amount of tension, for homeowner safety purposes, their repair or replacement should be left to trained specialists such as the team from Markham Garage Doors.

                    Along with the broken garage door spring itself, such an issue can also result in secondary problems/repair needs, including:

                    • Broken cables
                    • Twisted tracking
                    • Damaged panels/hardware
                    • Automatic opener malfunction
                    • The door gets jammed or misaligned

                    The Markham Garage Doors technicians have the knowledge and skills to effectively resolve these garage door repair issues and more and are often able to respond and provide their services on the same day.  For additional information on the full range of garage door repair services offered by Markham Garage Doors, including garage door spring repair, please see our Broken Garage Door Spring page.

                    To protect your family and property, ensure that your garage door is in shape this spring. Call Markham Garage Doors today at (905) 472-9178 or (416) 570-3667 to schedule a spring garage door inspection by our skilled technicians as soon as possible.

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