Don’t Get Scammed By Sub-Par Garage Door Sales And Servicing

Don’t Get Scammed By Sub-Par Garage Door Sales And Servicing

You don’t go shopping for garage doors too often. But when you do, how can you tell if you’re being sold a quality door that will look great and work well for years to come? Or if you need to service minor problems, how can you avoid losing your shirt over inflated service fees? Keep in mind the following tips because they’ll save you time, frustration and money when you next need sales or servicing for your garage door.

Finding A Dealer – Shops abound, but keep in mind that a local dealer is more likely to have a vested interest in getting and keeping your business. Since there’s less for them to travel, being local also means that these dealers should be able to keep service costs to a minimum. But be wary. Unsavory companies have been known to operate under multiple names in numerous regions, making them appear local when they’re actually not. Visit customer review sites for feedback from customers who have experience with the dealer you’re considering.

Shopping For Doors – Check the specs. Don’t just eyeball a door and make a decision based on cosmetics. Cheap garage doors with 40-year-old technology of polystyrene foam insulation are still being passed off as quality doors due to their super-thick appearance. But thinner doors with polyurethane foam-injected insulation are now the standard, offering much better insulation and durability. Look for a minimum insulation value above R13.

Servicing Fees – An experienced and reputable garage door installation service should be able to diagnose your garage door problem right over the phone and provide a definite estimate for parts and labor. If the dealer charges a flat rate just to come and look at your door only to add extra fees for parts and labor afterward, look elsewhere to avoid unpleasant surprises and unanticipated expense.

For Markham’s top choice in high-quality garage doors and servicing, contact Markham Garage Doors today or call 905-472-9178.

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