
Your Garage Door Might be the Most Important Part of Your Home’s Curb Appeal

It’s not often that your garage door will be included in any discussion about your home’s curb appeal. Curb appeal is the attractiveness of your home when viewed from the street in front of it. And garage doors are way down the lists of most people’s ideas of what affects curb appeal. The Importance of Curb Appeal Despite its popularity in real estate listings, the importance of curb appeal is most likely underestimated by homeowners and real estate agents alike. More than one study tells us that buyers can make a decision to buy within 30 seconds of seeing a […]

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10 Fun Facts About Garage Doors & Garage Door Openers

You’ve probably never thought of your garage door or garage door opener as particularly ‘fun’ things. But, considering that you likely use your garage door and opener every day, we thought we’d dig up a few fun and interesting garage facts for your reading pleasure. Table of Contents Garage Door Fun Facts1. What is a ‘Garage’ 2. The Oldest Existing Garage3. The Main Entrance4. He Invented the Overhead Garage Door and the Garage Door Opener5. Garage Bands6. A Good-Quality Garage Door can Increase the Value of Your Home by up to 4%7. DC is Quieter8. ‘Intelligent’ Since 20149. A Growing Part of Your […]

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What Can You Get When You Get a New Garage Door?

Have you ever been in your garage with the door closed and heard someone pull up in a car outside? It might be someone you’ve been waiting for all day, or it might be your neighbor who you don’t really want to see right now. Do you risk opening the door to find out, potentially betraying your location to your neighbor? What if there was a window in your garage door? Then your problem would be solved, you could check things out without risk. Interestingly, while garage door windows can make the garage brighter, and other options available in new […]

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What to Consider When You’re Considering a New Garage Door

We’ve mentioned more than once that most homeowners will only ever replace their garage door once or twice. While that’s good news for your pocketbook, it isn’t without its downside. If you’re thinking about replacing your garage door, chances are you’re not sure about your options. It’s a problem that means many homeowners settle for a new door that’s very similar to the old one and they miss out on some of the looks, features, and benefits that can improve the value they get from the new door. To get you ready for your garage door shopping here’s just some […]

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How Not Replacing Your Garage Door Can Cost You More

Your garage door is great, eh? It just keeps on working, up and down a couple times a day, every day, year-round, and it’s like you never have to think about it. Every homeowner knows that, when it comes to maintaining the house, “there’s always something”. But that something never seems to be the door on the garage. We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the incredible dependability of your garage door might be costing you money. Intentionally or not, most homeowners live by to old adages: “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” and “the squeaky […]

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Why Isn’t Your Garage Door Working Properly?

As we write this post, we’re in the midst of the first real snowfall of the winter here in Markham. For us, the first sign of snow makes us think of problems that may occur this winter. Luckily, we’ve got some tips to help keep your garage door working properly. Why? Because it seems like, while it rarely happens, if your garage door is going to have a problem, it’ll be at the worst possible time, like the middle of a snowstorm.   Just in case it happens to you this winter, here are some of the reasons why your garage […]

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What Happens When Your Garage Door is Unbalanced

If your garage door is unbalanced it may not close completely. Your garage door is a bit of a mystery. It tends to work day in and day out with very few problems. But, if you took a closer look at exactly what your door goes through every time it opens or closes, you’d be surprised that something doesn’t go wrong every time. Think about it. Your garage door is the largest and heaviest moving object in your home. Yet it is held above your head by tiny rollers that run along a slim aluminum track. The door’s bulk is […]

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5 Reasons Why You Should Never Leave Your Garage Door Open

Table of Contents Is It OK To Leave Your Garage Door Partially Open?1. Risk of a Home Invasion2. Animal Infestation3. Weather-Related Worries4. You Could Be Liable5. The Security of Everything in the Garage Is It OK To Leave Your Garage Door Partially Open? Sometimes it seems to make perfect sense to leave your garage door open. In winter, if you like to warm up your car in the mornings, you’re not going to start it and close the door, unless you want carbon monoxide poisoning.  There is also the idea that leaving the garage door open a crack in the […]

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An Important Layer of Security for Your Garage & Home

If you’ve never heard of ‘consumer paralysis’, you’ve probably experienced it. It can happen when you’re shopping for something and are faced with so many options, you don’t know which one to choose. Nowhere is consumer paralysis more likely to set in than when you’re trying to find new locks for the entry doors of your home. In addition to the almost limitless designs, colors and finishes, there always seems to be a new technology, like biometric locks or Bluetooth-enabled locks, vying for your attention and offering higher levels of security. But, interestingly, if you’ve ever looked for locks for […]

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A Checklist for Storing Tools, Equipment, and Garden Furniture in Your Garage this Winter

It was wet, windy and cooler than normal, but all that doesn’t really matter now. The summer of 2017 is coming to a close here in Markham and that means it’s time to put away all the outdoor summer stuff for the winter. One of the main problems that homeowners face when storing the patio furniture, tools, and sports equipment is finding space in the garage for it all. While everything had its place when you took it out last spring, you’ve probably filled those areas with other ‘stuff’ during the summer and now, well, who knows how you’ll get […]

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